Monday, March 21, 2011

Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring Review

Don’t you wish some one would just give you the truth about the current state of network marketing. I mean some one who would just shoot straight from the hip, and also show you how to make money as well.

Well, Magnetic Sponsoring does just that and a whole lot more.

Back in 2006 Mike Dillard published the book magnetic sponsoring ,which was initially used as a tool for his downline. Becoming one of the foremost authorities on network marketing in the process. Now its the year 2011 and he has also published other courses related to internet network marketing as well.

What exactly is Magnetic Sponsoring about?

You see the biggest problem that most network marketers face is lack of leads and lack of cashflow. So you burn through your warm market and you are then left with buying leads, which in my opinion is not economical. Magnetic Sponsoring is a 100% generic and a solution to a lot of the problems that home based business owners encounter. Mike Dillard teaches the concept of attraction marketing and how a lot of the “old school methods” are just not that effective. The whole attraction marketing concept is about providing value and positioning yourself as an authority and displaying the characteristics of a leader, because at the end of the day people want to follow leaders and associate themselves with them.

The internet has changed the landscape, people are constantly being bombarded with marketing messages and competing opportunities and it will be up to you to adapt to these changes.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Faking It Till You Make It Will Get You Nowhere

You have probably heard of the saying "fake it till you make it" in the network marketing world. Well the other day I was on a webinar with legendary Mike Dillard (pick up Magnetic Sponsoring if you haven't) and he said something that has resonated with me ever since. He said that from his experience what a lot of newbies in the industry complain about more than anything else  is lack of prior experience and success and how it's hurting their business. He went on to say that the important thing was to position yourself as a leader and provide value right away, because to tell you the truth, faking it till you make it will only get you so far, like one of my mentors  used to say, "Who you are in private will reveal itself out in public." Isn't that always been the case.