Are you using attraction marketing in your network marketing business?
With over 4,800 network marketing companies and millions of network marketers affiliated with those companies, what makes you different from the herd? Why should someone join you in your opportunity as opposed to someone else?
That is where YOU come into play. It is a known fact that people join people not business opportunities. I would likened attraction marketing to branding. When we brand ourselves as leaders and people that have value to offer the world we can't help but have people attracted to us. Isn't that what we want as network marketers? More flow and less resistance when it comes to prospecting? A big part of the branding process is to create awareness about ourselves and what we do as network marketers and let people know what value we bring. This part is crucial because people will not buy from you if they don't know you, like you, or trust you.
“The principles are exactly the same when implenting online attraction marketing"
When you come to my blog, lead capture page or something like that, I want your first impression to be something like, Yeah, this guy knows what he's talking about. If my blog post provides lots of value for the reader and answers a question they may have had they are going to more inclined to sign up for my free newsletter, to get more value and maybe get more of their questions answered. They are now in my sales funnel and the trust building phase begins with my potential customer. This is important because like I said earlier in this article you have to be someone they know, like, and trust. By providing value to your potential customer on a consistent basis, you have a better chance of doing business with them. It's about earning their respect and trust instead of just pitching them.
Sending your potential prospect to a company replicated website just isn't that effective as it used to be. You need to lead by giving value!
Now look, I know that if you’re new to marketing online, you are probably thinking right now that it all sounds great but how the heck can you create a blog,lead capture page, or write articles and give value to your prospects... Luckily there are a couple of attraction marketing systems on the internet today, but there is only one that has withstood the test of time with testimonials to prove it and that would be MLM Lead System Pro. MLM Lead System Pro is an attraction marketing platform which has helped thousands of frustrated network marketers get their businesses on the fast track to creating wealth while enjoying the journey in the process. Check out this online attraction marketing system before you get left behind!
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